Winter Garden Light – Dot Dash does it again!!

We are extremely excited here at TBM headquarters as we just released the amazing new album by Dot DashWinter Garden Light” (Beauty 022) which is their follow up to last year’s debut “Spark>Flame>Ember>Ash” (Beauty 019) which was released September 2011, making it two albums in one year, and giving them the title of the “most industrious band on the label”. Their first album was well received and created quite a buzz, which could easily match any other release that year, garnering at least 100 reviews and still growing (which it seems will require a new file cabinet just to store them all). Even though sales were not in the millions, the fans continue to grow and this new album promises to find even more new fans.

The excitement is due to various reasons: first and foremost because the 10 songs on this disc are stellar and pack a real punch with hooks and harmony, heart and soul and a sense of urgency. They continue to draw on the cream of the crop when it comes to influences like The Jam, Joy Division, Wire, Gang of Four, The Sound, The Chameleons, early Primal Scream, Jasmine Minks, Biff Bang Pow, and other Creation and Postcard label bands (and maybe a few on Fast and Pop Aural Records too), but yet they create a sound that is uniquely their own – a Post Modernist Pop or Post Mod in short – taking the energy of the 60’s garage and 70’s punk and blend the soul of mod with the edginess and diversity of Post Punk. It’s easily the best album you will hear all year, and possibly even one of the best albums released this century. Also this release, although recorded quickly on a meager budget, shows a significant improvement in sound quality that really lets the intensity of the songs shine and finally does them justice. This is music created by discerning music fans for real music fans with taste. If it had the financial backing of a real record label – it would be HUGE!

The buzz is already starting with positive feedback coming in and a few distributors waiting to get copies – be the first one on your block to own a copy and bask in the light – the “Winter Garden Light”.

Ps – you can listen to a radio interview here with Terry Banks as he features a few songs from the album and talks about his many influences –

Dot Dash
Winter Garden Light
Beauty 022 In Stock
$11.00 CDN